When NIVOSE encounters MARCET LIVET, the story of mountain pioneers continues.

What could possibly connect a 1933 born Mountain Chic brand named NIVOSE and a French handcrafted ski manufacturer called MARCEL LIVET ?Unless it is the history and fate that intentionally invite both to rediscover and reveal beautiful stories of French Ski Heritage and celebrate their love for the French Alps.

This encounter begins from a French gentleman named Marcel Livet. Marcel Livet was passionate about skiing and mountaineering and devoted a large part of his life to these sports. He and his notably French skiing pioneers had their hands in the preparations for the 3rd French expedition to the Himalayas in 1951.

NIVOSE, born in 1933, as one of earliest French Ski fashion brand, known as ““Le vêtement chic du vrai skieur” (The Authentic Elegance for the True Skiers) sponsored French expedition to the Himalayas back in 1936 and North Pole Lapland exploration In 1938. The history firstly put Marcel Livet and NIVOSE together in the frame is the 3rd French expedition to the Himalayas in 1951.

As early expeditioners, they paved the way for skiing and helped to make it widespread, but also ushered in the age of beautiful and irrational strive to reach the highest peaks.

MARCEL LIVET also find the way to continue the story of French Ski heritage. MARCEL LIVET, is not only a ski pioneer icon but a premiere handcrafted ski manufacturer, founded by his grandson in 2018, particularly as a tribute to Mr. Marcel Livet and to the entire generation of alpine ski inventors that accompanied him on his path.

“Every day, I strive to promote the French quality and strive to offer something different, so that our trades and arts can survive and be passed over to next generations. This approach makes each pair a unique piece of exquisite artisanship."

(Victor EDOUARD, Founder of MARCEL LIVET)

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