As part of our Clean air, clean future initiative, we are making positive changes throughout our supply chain by introducing innovative and more sustainable materials and manufacturing. By 2022, every product we produce will make a positive social, ethical or environmental impact – either through the materials we have used or the way it’s made.

The things that define us are not just the actions we take, but also the ones we say no to. At Nivose our mission is to build the best product possible, but to cause no unnecessary harm, and to limit and take responsibility for our impact on the environment in the process.
We believe that causing suffering and killing animals for a non-essential reasons contravenes public morality. We recognize that animals are sensitive beings and should be respected and always be treated in such a way that they do not suffer. The use of fur or fur trim is cruel and unnecessary, especially when quality faux-fur alternatives are almost indistinguishable from the real thing.
We have always used synthetic fur on all of our products.
The majority of the fabrics in our products are made from non-renewable petro-chemical raw materials. Synthetic materials, such as polyester, are also especially carbon intensive in their transformation. Switching to recycled and renewable raw materials is a big part of the solution. It avoids the use of non-renewable virgin fibres, and also reduces the consump-tion of energy and water needed to transform the petro-chemical source materials into polyethylene terephthalate. We aim to acheive 50% recycled fabrics in our collection by 2025.
Nearly 80 percent of our total carbon emissions come from the creation of the materials used in our products. We are working to reduce and eliminate these emissions by switching to recycled and renewable raw materials and low-emission dyeing techniques.But material changes will never bring us to net-zero emissions. So we are working on the long-term goal of also converting our suppliers to reduce the amount of energy used in their operations. Transportation is also a key factor in our brands carbon footprint. In order to offset these carbon emissions in a lasting, sustainable and socially responsible way, we are committed to a certified forestry project.
We are committed to making our company carbon neutral.
Cotton production leaves a huge impact on the environment. Only 2.4% of the world’s crop land has cotton planted in it, yet it accounts for 24% of global sales of insecticide. Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment. Organic production systems replenish and maintain soil fertility, reduce the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers, and build biologically diverse agriculture. Organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. In addition, federal regulations prohibit the use of genetically engineered seed for organic farming. All future cotton Nivose products will use organically grown cotton where possible.
All of our packaging and packing materials are made from either recycled or FSC® certified paper that has been harvested and produced in a responsible manner. Our packaging can be recycled up to 7 times after use. In order to reduce our impact on Marine polution, all of our products are packed using biodegradable plastic bags made from compostable materials.
At Nivose, we believe that happy people make better products. The process of making anything on either an industrial or artisan level is a never anything more than the result of a series of human interactions. Humans are the key. All of our suppliers agree to sign and abide by our social responsibility charter, that among other things, guarantees a respectable living-wage for their workers and correct and safe working conditions. Click here to download the Nivose supplier code of conduct
Many people think of the circular economy as just ‘improved recycling’, though it goes much further than this. It’s about thinking about how waste can be designed out of products and processes in the first place, and about giving products a quality second life. Nivose is proud to be a member of the Arianee Consortium. Together we are determined to transform the way we own and consume our products by giving a digital life to physical products. Each product has a digital passport that ensures a safe and authenticated transfer of our jackets from owner to owner.